Subject introduction: Understanding the concept.
The Concept of situational cities was introduced in the first week of class in my absence. This meant that i had to conduct further research into the concepts being explored to fully understand and embrace the idea of "Situational cities"
The Notion of Flaneur was also presented to me by my peers as a term to describe the activity of drifting through the city. One’s journey, in this sense, is determined by the attractions of the city and it’s ambiance. The intentions of Flaneur are walking to gain experience rather than walking to get to your desired destination from point a to point B.
Site Visit.
The group in which i was assigned undertook their own Flaneur journey to Foley st Darlinghurst, the location for the final pop up gallery, The girl's took images of objects, normally overlooked, that captured their attention. The city itself was identified as bustling and busy in comparison to the quiet and uninhabited Foely st.
The group choose a nature theme to create their own "Flaneur" journey focusing on things that would often be overlooked within the street. They used green string to map their journey and circle all of the areas where nature was present in the street. It was identified that even in an environment where life seemed absent, nature still found a way to thrive and push through. On my own journey to Foely street i found the absence of nature quite startling in comparison to the surrounding environment. But it was almost a nice surprise to see the presence of weeds and tiny bits of unwanted plant matter poking through the cracks in the pavement.
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